Prepare for Your Visit
We have a few simple guidelines you can follow to get ready for the day of your procedure.
- Ask your physician if there are any medications that you should not take before your surgery.
- If you have questions regarding your procedure write them down and take this list of questions with you when you see your doctor.
- Your physician will let you know if there are any special and/or additional instructions specific to your procedure.
On the day of surgery:
- Bring with you:
- Driver’s license or photo ID
- Insurance Card
- A complete list of current medications.
- Wear loose-fitting clothing and easy fitting shoes.
- Wear glasses instead of contact lenses – remember to bring a case for your glasses.
- Wear your dentures.
- Leave all valuables at home (including jewelry, watches and cell phones).
- Take a shower the night before or the day of surgery using antibacterial soap.
- Ask someone you trust to take you to and from the surgical facility and remain with you at the Center. If you are receiving anesthesia or sedation for your surgery, you must have a responsible adult drive you home from the Center and remain with you for 24 hours after surgery. You cannot drive for 24 hours following your procedure.
- Refrain from smoking on the day of surgery.
- Do Not Eat or drink after midnight if you are scheduled to receive anesthesia.
- Do Not Wear make-up, jewelry or any perfume or lotion.